A huge number of graduates finish their university studies and get ready to join the workforce each year. In terms of search, the job search is easy than ever but finding a job is tougher because of the high competition. Start your day by applying for jobs posted online every day & keep the routine all day with breaks till night, to make sure you applied for all the posted jobs. You need to present something that grabs the potential hiring manager’s attention at the first glance at your CV. So, you need a good representation of your skills & expertise. In other words, you need to have an impressive format CV that represents your academics, skills & experience very well.
Online application submission made the job application system very fast and easy. Companies get hundreds of applications for every single job they post. You need to stand out from this crowd & make your CV highly unique and up to mark. You need to follow some tips to get the job easily, which are given as under:
You need to apply for only relevant jobs that best suit your education, expertise, skills & experience. If you are applying for every job posted online, you would be wasting your time and energies & the recruiter would most probably discard your application. That’s why it is recommended to only apply for jobs that are relevant to your skills.
As almost every job is posted online, that’s why use keywords in your account’s skills, description, about you & any other possible place. Search keywords that are relevant and describe your skills and expertise very well. Recruiter uses search terms and keywords sometimes on the job portals to extract CV. This keyword search is highly used on almost every top job portal in Dubai. LinkedIn clearly uses it.
Title your CV with your years of experience & the field name. For example, I have around eleven years of experience, I wrote my CV title as “MY Name – 11 Years in Digital Marketing”. It is a highly effective way to grab the recruiters’ attention with the first glimpse. It makes them check the details & most probably will call for an interview. It also should have an Experience Time specified in the number above the experienced section start, as “Total Experience = “Number of Years””.
All your necessary and important information should be listed there in the first part of the CV. Personal & Contact information, Skills, Experience, projects, Certifications, Webinars & any profession-related thing should be given in the first part of your CV.
Education information should be added by adding the last educational degree first & so on.
Adding a picture is an important part of your resume. The picture makes the application more prominent, professional, and formal. It should be clear and scanned nicely.
Update your CV with any improvements and change in your skills and experience or location. Also, job portals have some conditions applied to keep the websites clean and refreshed, which notify job seekers to update their CVs after some time.
Almost all the top job portals offer follow-up emails facility to remind them & also know about the status of your application. If you don’t hear from a company for a week, you should send a follow-up email as it increases the chances of calls.
These are some points that help your CV & job applications to stand out of the crowd. Keeping the CV & job seeker account active help you to find a job easily. Keep studying & make research to know about any new thing introduced in your field, it also helps in building a positive image in the eyes of the recruiter. So, you need to keep your interview skills up to the mark so that you can clear the interview and get the job.